What is?
Last time I wrote about the fact that we are not mature enough for everything that’s happening to us. It has not been long since we became the dominant animal on the planet. We grew both in numbers and also in power and control over our environment, so we changed (and still are changing) the environment, pretty much the whole world, to fit our needs, not paying attention to the long-term impact of our actions. Ecosystem’s check and balance could not (and still cannot) adapt and keep up with us, and with our new, unchecked powers, we are quickly destroying the very necessary means of our own survival. We try to do things the easy way even though we know very well how harmful this easy thing is in the long run.
Not only we cannot manage natural resources and our consumption of them, we cannot manage our herd and our role and behavior in it either! We are smarter than most, if not all, animals, and yet we are so primitive and stupid in some topics compared to other animals. Let’s take mating for example. We, by “we” I mean us and the other animals, mate because we are instinctively designed to want and need it. We developed this innate desire and instinct, to ensure the survival of our species, to continue reproducing. And we do it, innately to survive, and then at the same time create things and do things that can and will destroy us which kind of defeats the purpose. Male animals compete for their mates, and the females choose their mates by picking the winner as the stronger and better one. It matters to them who they mate with because it matters to them how their offspring turns out and they want to give their offspring a better chance of survival. We on the other hand, say we want a better life for our children but choose a partner that has the IQ of a watermelon, or the sense and ration of a Neanderthal or the parenting capability of a sponge! We create children and then beat them, abuse them, hurt them and mess them up. And then, since the domestic or small scale damages are not enough, we go and build weapons of mass destructions and we decide to kill millions of people at once.
If any other animal species, were to behave as self-destructive as we do, they would have been extinct a thousand times by now! The only reason we have not vanished yet, is because of all this unchecked, unbalanced power. It’s like having a strong body that prevents us from realizing the symptoms of the cancer that is growing inside our brain!
Hey I don’t mean to be negative. Not all of us are like this. But the ratio of it is way too high to ignore. I have a lot more to say about this, but gotta go now. Will write more later.
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